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Icons as strategy visuals

Jul 2019 | Strategy visualization, Tools and techniques

Employing his distinctive style, Till Lauer created variations on a single icon to visualize the Forum case study. Business leaders selected from his collection of black and white sketches and added their own ideas.

The result: a “taster” GIF to remind us of the in-person conversation.

We increasingly use simple animations to gain and keep attention. Such icons –  similar to stickers, emoticons, and emojis – help us create and share meaning.

Have you noticed that Millennials often plaster their laptops with stickers? There’s a good reason why.

Both static and moving images reinforce our stories, make it easier to bring a human touch to our communication – and become iconic in our cultures.

About the artist
Till Lauer specializes in editorial illustration. His work has appeared in a wide range of international publications including The Economist, The New Yorker and the Neue Zuercher Zeitung.